

We are happy to welcome every student of Sternfield International School back to school, but not all students are pleased to be back to school. Back to school anxiety is normal and very common among children. It is very much understandable from a skilled point of view. However, it could prove to be a difficult task for parents to deal with after the summer break. Children with anxiety tend to be restless and fidgety. They could be clingy, display changes in eating and sleeping habits. They also tend to have bouts of loud crying, complaining of stomach aches and getting upset at the slightest thing.

Here are a few tips on how to deal with back-to-school anxiety

Sternfield International School

1. Do not be stressed out: Kids can tell when you are stressed out. Sometimes you as a parent influence their anxiety so you have to relax. Whatever they go through in their first day, week or month at school is completely normal. Children have unique ways of reacting to changes. The hyper ones may appear dishevelled due to play. The not so hyper ones may have their eyes heavy with tears. It is normal. Stay calm. Have a positive attitude.

2. Prepare them ahead and build familiarity: Towards resumption, you must prepare your children with the mindset that they are returning to school. To increase awareness of the new school term, you can change routines, give homework, reduce screentime, and if you wish, do drive through the route of the school before resumption. 3. Reassure them that they are not alone: Children with anxiety need to be reassured. Talk to them in a calm and soothing voice.

4. Be present: Pick them up from school on time and when you do, give them a kiss and a big hug. Also, be present in their education. Study with them for the first few weeks. When you do, kids end up going to school and learning while feeling your presence with them in class. 

5. Live with the reality: Do not force them to see things from your perspective. It’s a waste. Reasoning with your child or getting upset because they refuse to go to school only make things worse. Never resort to corporal punishment in times like this. Focus on the current reality. We hope these tips help you learn how to help your child cope with back to school anxiety. Do follow us on our social media platforms for more tips.